California town of Temecula Approves Strict Employment Law to Prevent Illegal’s Working   Leave a comment

Woohoo!  Wow!  This was pretty close to where we lived in CA.  And OMG did they need it! 

I was always convinced that San Diego County as a whole was a ‘Sanctuary City/County’ but apparently hat is NOT the case! 

You know, it really speaks volumes that the Federal Government can’t control employers and keep them from hiring illegals, but it is quite possible for cities and towns to do so.  Perhaps this should be brought up in the Arizona court case.  Cities and towns would be much easier to control such FEDERAL LAWS ALREADY IN PLACE BUT ARE IGNORED, and I wish Temecula luck! 

All I can say is . . . it’s about time!

TEMECULA: Council approves employment law

Meeting preceded by rallies on both sides of immigration debate

By CRAIG SHULTZ – | Posted: July 13, 2010 10:42 pm |

A small number of immigrant rights advocates and a much larger crowd of anti-illegal immigration activists rallied Tuesday in the parking lot outside Temecula City Hall, a few hours before the City Council was to vote on an ordinance that would require businesses to guarantee that their employees are legally entitled to live and work in the United States.

If the ordinance is approved, employers who want a business license in the city would be required to use E-Verify, a federal online database that allows them to verify the status of their newly hired workers.

An estimated 100 supporters of the Arizona law staked their claim on one side of the parking lot while about dozen or so others gathered across the way to show their support for immigrants’ rights.

The rallies and the council’s consideration of the E-Verify ordinance comes about two weeks before the controversial Arizona immigration law, SB 1070, is scheduled to be enacted.

After July 29, law enforcement officers in Arizona will be required, during the course of a lawful contact with a person, to determine whether he or she is in the country illegally if the officer has “reasonable suspicion” that the person is an illegal immigrant and if the check is “practicable.”

Some of the people at the rally made their way inside council chambers to attend the meeting.

More than two dozen people addressed the council, with the majority speaking in favor of the ordinance.

Due to the large number of speakers, the council had not even begun to discuss the ordinance by The Californian’s deadline.

During the meeting, the council was encouraged to pass a resolution supporting the Arizona law, an action already taken by the cities of Lake Elsinore and Hemet.

City Manager Shawn Nelson said the city is not considering such a resolution, however.

Jennaya Dunlap, from Rapid Response Network, an Inland Empire immigration assistance hotline that sponsored the rally Tuesday that denounced SB 1070, asked the council not to bow to pressure to take a stand in favor of the Arizona law.

“It’s pitting neighbor against neighbor in the community without bringing a solution,” she said. “I think it is unwise to take a step that can fan flames of racial division.”

The Arizona law and E-Verify are part of a bigger picture regarding immigration, Dunlap said.

She said the issues are causing tension in local communities.

“The fear that we’re seeing in Lake Elsinore is eerily similar to Arizona,” Dunlap said.

Siblings Eduardo Galicia-Mendoza, 10, and Alicia Galicia-Mendoza, 8, of Lake Elsinore tearfully told of fears that their stepfather, who is in the country illegally, will be deported.

“We are so afraid of going out together because of police and immigration officials,” said their mother, Laura Mendoza.


Then they shouldn’t have come.  Period.

“The big problem is the immigration law, the way it is,” Dunlap said after the rally. “It doesn’t allow people to come in legally. They don’t allow families to stay together.”


Then how do other immigrants from other countries do it?  If you are denied citizenship then deal with it and stay at home.  That means you are not welcome.

Proponents of the Arizona law and E-Verify carried American flags and signs reading such things as “E-Verify Everyone” and “Viva 1070” and urging the federal government to protect the border.

“When we saw they were holding a counterprotest and news conference, we didn’t want just one side to get out,” said Ted Wegener, a rally organizer. “We’re here to show our support for the council and support for Arizona.”

Stella Stajcar said she came from Oceanside to show support for her fellow Tea Party members.

While she said she supports the Arizona law, Stajcar added that she doesn’t believe that a similar law is necessary in California.

“We have a better situation than Arizona,” Stajcar said. “We do have a fence. I’d like the entire country to have border protection. Once we have the border secured, then we can really talk about the issue.”


I wonder if this person knows that CA has MILLIONS OF MORE illegal immigrants than Arizona.  But she’s right—Arizona does have it worse because their border is not only unprotected, but is a focal point for criminal drug cartel terrorist militia’s.

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